Monday, September 20, 2010

Appetite for Destruction.

My 31 year-old boyfriend told me if it wasn’t for all the “crap” I read online we would be married and have kids. “Thank God for crap,” I thought. I will be the first one to admit I’m addicted to Twitter. I tweet while I’m walking to my car, while I’m at school, while I’m at work, while I’m supposed to be out somewhere enjoying myself, and while I’m lying in bed next to my snoring boyfriend. But here is the real reason why I love Twitter: I follow all the websites and media outlets I would frequent if I had four hours a day to play online and through their tweets they supply me with basically everything I want/need to know. When I wake up, I scroll effortlessly (I should clarify that 98% of the time I only use Twitter from my iPhone) through a sea of tweets from local and international news outlets, veterans websites, magazines, and some of my favorite commentators. By 7:15am, I am aware if there has been a drone attack in Pakistan, if a hurricane has made landfall, and I get to read a quote from one of my favorite authors. Can’t beat it. I love it.

Aside from Twitter, I frequent several blogs and news websites ranging from Stars and Stripes to Dear Golden (a sweet little blog on vintage clothing). My top five daily checks are:, National Public Radio, The New York Times, Drudge Report, and Stars and Stripes. When it comes to magazines, I always tend to check out: Vanity Fair, TIME, The New Yorker, Newsweek, Esquire, and Wired. And I still feel like I’m missing something…not reading enough. There is such an abundance of information coming at us on a daily basis that one can’t help but feel overwhelmed…and I guess that’s why Google Reader was invented.

“I can't keep up,
Can't keep up
Can't keep up
Out of step with the world,” Minor Threat

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