I came across a blog post regarding a complaining man from Syracuse, Twitter, and Price Chopper at All Over Albany. Long story short, Jonathan Hoster, a seemingly typical tweeter shared his thoughts regarding his discontent with the supermarket.
Hoster tweeted: “Every time I go to @PriceChopperNY I realize why they r not @wegmans. Tonight -bare produce areas & this sign 4 ex”
The sign:
Pie fillings and trash bags in the same aisle? What more could you ask for?
Well, Hoster does what a lot of people on Twitter do: complain. However, it seems like ultra sensitive Price Chopper couldn’t handle the critique and contacted Hoster’s employer! What! And it gets better, an employ who goes by the name AC took matters into their own hands, “I've worked in the public relations department at the company for the last two months and I saw the negative tweets and responded through my personal twitter account.” AC requested disciplinary action be taken against him because of the evil, evil tweet! Let’s all laugh out loud. And then remember what we are talking about here…a tweet from a normal dude who doesn’t really care for Price Chopper. Who gives a crap.
“Price Chopper labeled the individual as destructive and negative.” Whoa. Imagine if businesses went through every single tweet and responded to all the negative ones? The thought alone is absurd. The idea that we could be targeted for sharing our opinions via a social networking site seems like a cliché. And what happened to freedom of speech?
What a huge mess! And just as recently as Tuesday, Price Chopper still seems to be attempting to straighten all of this out. They tweeted, “We want to make sure you know we welcome all concerns, praise and suggestions. That is how we make our shopping experience even better.”
Just don’t compare them to Wegmans.
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